Release Notes - 9/27/2023


Release Notes: September 27th, 2023

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Document Manager - Staff Signature for Portal Documents: Staff Signature (previously Office Signature) has been available for Custom Forms for some time, so we expanded it over to the Portal Documents as well. In a client's Document Manager, staff members now have the ability to provide their signature on completed Portal Documents. When a staff member signs, the signature will appear on the bottom of the completed form.


Custom Form mismatch: One user reported that they were able to make one form appear after selecting a different form. This issue has been resolved.

Unable to see Progress Notes on Suspended Client: Previously, you were unable to view the Progress Notes of a "suspended" client. This issue has been resolved and you are now able to view client Progress Notes despite what the status may be.

Custom Form format issue: Some users reported that some custom forms that included checkboxes were displaying and printing as regular bullet points. This issue has been resolved.

Unable to sign TPR via the Portal on a mobile device: It was reported that users were unable to sign a TPR via the Family Portal on a mobile device. This issue has been resolved.

Comm Log note showing incorrect time: One user reported that they created a comm log note and it was displaying the correct time, but the incorrect date (a day later). This issue has been resolved.

Portal Accounts Not Listed: It was reported that some Family Portal accounts were not displaying in the list of portal users. This was due to an issue in the UI that was hiding those accounts that were still pending. This issue has been resolved.


If you have any questions or would like clarification on the updates above, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are always happy to help!

Experiencing issues after the update?

If you are experiencing an issue from the release, here are a few tips that might help:

  • Make sure you are in the most updated version of Google Chrome. The Google Chrome browser will give you the best user experience in the Alleva EMR.

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Release Notes and additional resources are available at

Have a great day!