Release Notes: August 21st, 2023
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Read our how-to article by clicking here
Adding Clinical Terms to a note displaying previous client's data: It was reported that when using the Add Clinical Terms shortcut, data from a previous client's note would be prepopulated. This issue has been resolved and the clinical terms should now reset.
Signature and name stamp on Client Medication: The Staff Signature on Client Medication was displaying the name of the client instead of the name of the staff that signed. This issue has been resolved.
Live version of Nursing/Staff Assessment missing some information: Some users noted that they were not seeing some of the saved information from the most recent version of the Nursing/Staff Assessment. This issue has been resolved.
If you have any questions or would like clarification on the updates above, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are always happy to help!
Experiencing issues after the update?
If you are experiencing an issue from the release, here are a few tips that might help:
Perform a hard refresh of the browser and clear your browser's cache (Click here to learn how to do that)
Make sure you are in the most updated version of Google Chrome. The Google Chrome browser will give you the best user experience in the Alleva EMR.
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Release Notes and additional resources are available at
Have a great day!