Release Notes - 7/29/24

Medications Pre-fill in Forms 3.0 and Client Detail Report Legacy Data.


  • Medications in Forms 3.0 - Reduce busy work by automatically populating a client's current medications with all scheduling information in forms. In the form edit screen in Forms 3.0, select "Medications" in the Standard tab of the Component Manager to the right. When completing the form for a client, their current medications will automatically pre-fill!

    Learn more about how to use this new feature by clicking HERE!

  • Client Detail Report Legacy Form Data - The client detail report (found in Insights > Standard Reports) now displays data from the locked versions of intakes, not the live version. This is helpful if you have switched forms in your live intake (replaced an old form with a new Forms 3.0 version in the biopsychosocial, as an example) and need to download the historical locked bps for a client.

If you experience any issues after the update, clear your cache and cookies and make sure you are using the most up to date version of Google Chrome, the best browser for Alleva.

7/29/2024 Version 1.188.0

Learn more here:  Alleva University