Release Notes: May 2, 2023
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Medications - Ability to override max dosage warning with a reason: Users now have the ability to override the max dosage warning when trying to administer more doses than allowed within the frequency timeline. The override reasons provided can be customized in Settings -> Master Dropdowns.
Medications - Doctors Orders are now facility specific: Previously, the Doctors Orders page listed all clients in the organization. Now, to assist in the prevention of med errors, the Doctors Orders page is facility-specific. This means the Outstanding Order table and Fulfilled Order table will only display orders for clients in the facility that you are currently working in.
".group" is now a valid domain extension: We have added the domain extension " .group " as a supported option when creating the different personas in Alleva. (e.g.,
Revoking ROI: It was reported that some users were not able to Revoke an ROI. This issue has been resolved.
Admission Intake - Inaccurate time stamp: Some users were seeing an inaccurate time stamp on saved versions of the Admission Intake. This issue has been resolved.
BPS Intake - Not saving initial version: It was reported that the BPS Intake was not saving the initial version from the staff member who originally signed. This issue has been resolved.
BPS Intake - Admission Date missing: There were a few users reporting that the Admission Date was missing from the downloaded/printed version of the BPS Intake. This issue has been resolved.
If you have any questions or would like clarification on the updates above, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are always happy to help!
Experiencing issues after the update?
If you are experiencing an issue from the release, here are a few tips that might help:
Perform a hard refresh of the browser and clear your browser's cache (Click here to learn how to do that)
Make sure you are in the most updated version of Google Chrome. The Google Chrome browser will give you the best user experience in the Alleva EMR.
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