Version 1.172.0 - Doctors Orders and Discharge Summary Updates
- Doctors Orders to My Tasks - Doctors Orders now flow to "My Tasks" on the dashboard of anyone who the "View" permission in Role Management > Doctors Orders. Staff can directly access outstanding orders through the dashboard. When an order is marked as "Received," it will drop from the task list of all users.

- Lock/Unlock the Discharge Summary - You are now able to lock the discharge summary in order to prevent unwanted changes. The discharge summary can also be unlocked if changes are needed, and re-signed with a new date stamp.
- Pain Scale in Vitals - The pain scale field in Vitals was showing some unexpected behavior (displaying incorrect values and/or changing values in different views). The correct functionality has been restored.
If you experience any issues after the update, clear your cache and cookies and make sure you are using the most up to date version of Google Chrome, the best browser for Alleva.
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