Release Notes - 11/5/2019
PrintAlleva Release Notes – November 05, 2019
Below is a list of items that were released this morning at 1:30 am PT.
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Display Care Providers - The Client Overview page now displays all the names of the care team assigned to the patient, even when you have multiple providers selected.
TP reviews show as completed when staff signs - We’ve done away with the requirement to have the Treatment Plan Review signed by both the staff and client before it shows complete. Now, a single staff signature is all that’s needed to show the TPR as completed on the client chart.
Lab Sync for discharged clients - You can now sync lab results to charts of discharged clients. You no longer have to wait to discharge a client if you have pending lab results you are waiting to sync to their chart.
Lab Req Send on Save - Lab requisitions will now automatically send to the lab once the requisition has been created and signed, eliminating that additional step of manually sending the requisition to the lab after it has been created and signed.
Increase diagnosis character count - We have increased the character count when entering Custom Diagnoses and their associated problem, allowing a more comprehensive description of the client’s affliction.
Uploading documents minimum required - We have removed the requirement to label and describe uploaded documents. Now if nothing is added in the name and description fields they system will automatically name it the same as the file name.
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