Version 1.195.0 - COWS/CIWA Update and New Insights Fields
COWS & CIWA Copyable in Intakes - The COWS, CIWA, and CIWA-B withdrawal assessments are now copyable from the BPS to any other intake via System Settings > Intakes. This means they can be added to any of the intake assessments, depending on your needs. For example, if your nursing team needs to complete the CIWA assessment upon admission, you can copy Alleva's built-in CIWA into the Nursing/Staff Assessment. Scores entered in the intake will automatically flow to the COWS/CIWA section of the client chart. Previously, COWS and CIWA were only available in the Biopsychosocial Intake and could not be copied between intakes.
New Insights Field: Readmitted Status - "Readmitted Status" is a helpful new field available in the 'Lead Info' section of any explorer. This field allows you to see if the client chart has been readmitted or transferred between locations. Example use case: You need a report of the reason for discharge for clients who have gone through treatment at your facility multiple times. You can add the "Readmitted Status" as a filter and filter to just see charts with the status "Readmitted".
New Insights Fields: Client Appointment Times - We have added three new fields to the Appointments Explorer: "Client Start Time," "Client End Time," and "Client Duration." These fields enable you to accurately calculate the service hours completed by clients. Previously, the appointment start and end time fields reflected only the scheduled appointment hours, without accounting for clients who joined the session late or left early. With the new "Client Start Time" and "Client End Time" fields, you can accurately report the actual attended hours. For example, if a session was scheduled from 10:00 to 11:00 AM, but the client arrived late at 10:15 AM, you can view the actual attended times as well as the new calculation field "Client Duration," which would be "45" minutes in this case.
If you experience any issues after the update, clear your cache and cookies and make sure you are using the most up to date version of Google Chrome, the best browser for Alleva.
11/26/2024 Version 1.195.0
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