Group Notes

How to write a Group Note

If your Group Session is scheduled for today or in the past, the group note will appear on "My Tasks" for you, if you are the group leader. You can simply click into your group note from the My Tasks list on your Dashboard:



Within the group note, you will see an individualized note for each participant in the group, as well as an overall group note underneath. 


Select whether each participant "Attended", "Cancelled", or "No-Showed" the group. Write individualized notes for all clients in attendance.


You can remove clients that aren't supposed to be in this group via the trashcan icon, and add other clients via the "Add Client" button:



Once you're done with each individualized note, write your overall group summary underneath in the "Group Note" box. Keep in mind that you can access the super helpful "Add Clinical Terms" button and pull in group description templates if your admins have created them up in Settings > Templates > Notes. 



Assign reviewers to sign off on your group note if needed, then save and sign!