Update or Reset a Password for Yourself or Another User

Part 1:  Update a known password via My Profile:

1. Select the gears icon in the upper right corner and select "My Profile".

2. Select "Do you want to change your password?" and enter your old password as well as a new password. Click "Save".

Done!! 🎉🎉

Part 2:  Reset a forgotten password:

1. Go to your login screen and select "Forgot Password?".

2. Enter your username and select "Send Link". You will receive an email from Alleva with a link to reset your password. 

3. Reset your password via the email link, and log back in!

Done!! 🎉🎉

Part 3:  Reset another user's password for them:

TIP: Only users with the role "Rehab Admin" (or those given permission to User Management via Company Settings > Role Management) can reset a password for another user.

1. Navigate to Company Settings > User Management. Select the "Reset Password" key icon next to the user.

2. Enter a new password and click "Submit". Securely share this new password with the user. They can then log in with their username and new password.

Done!! 🎉🎉

TIP: If a staff member needs help remembering their username, admins can see this by clicking the edit pencil icon next to their user profile.