Release Notes - 9/2/2021
Release Notes - September 2nd, 2021
In this release, we have made some incremental updates to the Family Portal, Medications, Progress Notes, and more.
See “What’s New?” for a breakdown.
What's New?
Functionality to send Treatment Plan Reviews to be signed via the Family Portal: There is a new functionality under My Tasks in the Family Portal where a client can sign a Treatment Plan Review (TPR). Selecting “Start” will review the TPR information and move to the Completed Forms list when signed. The signature can be reviewed in the EMR in the Clients Chart.

Ability to have TPR in Family Portal populate with custom forms: The TPR sent to the Family Portal to be signed can now be populated with custom forms, allowing patients/family members to see the treatment information each facility uses.
Remove “Refused” medications from Meds Management screen: The “Refused” medications no longer appear in the Meds Management screen to make it easier to locate meds that do need administrating. To remove “refused” medications from Meds Management a new setting called “Show Refused Medications” needs to be unselected.

Have the Client MAR be more descriptive and interactive: In the Client MAR, we replaced the “X” with “refused” and a timestamp. When this is clicked on, administered medication details pop up with the notes populating with the verbiage based on their not acceptance reason.

Client MAR has printing enhancements: To account for more information being provided in the client MAR, days will now be split from 1-15 and 15-X. X will reflect the appropriate end of month date.

Orderset with Protocol not displaying correctly: An issue with medications not displaying correctly when ordering has been resolved. A carrot (^) has been added next to Protocol Names that will display medication information when selected.

PHQ-9 in Individual / Progress Notes: Users can now add and complete a PHQ9 assessment and have it tied to a client profile so that you can better track outcomes. To setup, go to Settings>Master Drop-down>Individual/Progress Note.

Add Full Demographics Section to the Other Intakes: You can now see the full version of the patient demographics in all 5 intake sections so that you can edit a patient’s demographics from multiple places.
User Management Family Portal - Change tab name and add a new column: In the Family Portal Management in the EMR, the tab “Family Member” has been changed to “All Accounts”, which will now populate with the role Family Member, Consultant, and Participant. All accounts will now automatically sort by First Name, Last Name.

Screen Name column lock on role permissions: On the roles and permissions option in the EMR, the Screen Name column is now locked, making the roles and permissions easier to navigate.

Remove auto-fill from Fields: We’re continuing our efforts to remove the auto-populating feature for input fields in the EMR.
Editing a Staff Session is removing Assigned Staff: An issue when editing a staff session and the system removing the Assigned Staff has been resolved.
Additional Improvements/Features Currently in Development
Scheduler “All Day” Appointments
GAD 7 option within Progress Notes
Medication Instructions auto populating
If you have any questions or would like clarification on the updates above, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are always happy to help!
Release Notes and additional resources are available at
Have a great day!