Release Notes 7/6/2018
Release Notes 7/6/18
Protocol updates
- Meds Scheduling :
- Ability to edit and update protocol taper in meds scheduling
- Ability to delete protocol taper in meds scheduling
- Ability to delete protocol taper days in meds scheduling
- Prospect client should not be display
- Ability to add same protocol multiple time with a different time frame
- Ability to view client assigned protocol
- Meds Management :
- Ability to view future scheduled meds and disable give now button for future dates
Vitals Changes- Will now show the TIME vitals are taken
Billing code on notes- A new section called "Billing Code" - On/Off toggle
- If On - shows on group, individual and progress note sections
- If on billing code appears above ASAM for individual and progress note section
Show Suspended Client on DashboardCalendar multiple optimizations for performancePending Review Update - Intake- Show outstanding reviewers when hovering over "Review Pending"
- Review Screen>New Option - Pending Review
- For admins and anyone else given screen permission access
- Ability to see all items in "Pending review"
- Ability to see who has signed and who is pending
- Ability to remove reviewers
Add signatures to Launch Report -- Part 2- COWS/ CIWA
- print on client chart.
Discharge - allow setting of discharge dates