Release Notes - 6/17/2021
Release Notes - June 17, 2021
This release contains a software patch that will improve the user experience in various aspects of the EMR.
See “What’s New?” for a breakdown.
What's New?
Answers to some questions on the BPS were converting 0 to N/A: When a score of 0 is given, you will see that reflected as a “0” rather than “N/A.” See example of Pain Scale below:
Family Portal - Options for Creating an Account: In the EMR, under Settings > Family Portal > Portal Appearance & UI, you can now decide what Portal Personas you would like to see in the Family Portal when a user is applying. The three default Personas are Family Member, Participant (formerly Client), and Consultant. Based on your selection in the settings, those selected personas will be displayed in the Family Portal. See the images below as an example.

Potential Treatment Plan Reviews Disappearing From Review Screen: Some users may have experienced Treatment Plan Reviews periodically disappearing from their Treatment Plan Review Screen prematurely. This issue has been resolved.
Medications Patch: We released a patch that will improve the user experience when using medications. This includes displaying duplicate medications, removing false error notifications, and making sure you can continue to create and use Custom Medications.
Additional Improvements Currently in Development
Drug to Allergy Interaction warnings
Populating individual and group notes with templates based on Type of Note
AutoSave will be enabled for Shift Notes and Comm Log
Release Notes and additional resources are available at
Have a great day!