Release Notes - 5/5/2022

Release Notes - 5/5/2022


Release Notes: May 5, 2022

What's New?

New "Urgent Alerts" Feature on Client Chart: You can now tag an Urgent Alert to any client's chart. This is a great way to quickly alert or be alerted of urgent or pertinent information regarding a client when you come to their chart. Begin by clicking the new icon found in the Client Overview.

You will then see the Urgent Alerts pop-up where you can create an alert and see current/past alerts.

After clicking Add New, you can create your Urgent Alert.

Your new, Urgent Alert will now display on the client chart.

Also, any other user that visits this client's chart will be asked to acknowledge the alert and leave a signature.

Lastly, you can mark the issue as resolved and see a list of all users who have acknowledged the message.

Printing the Client List: We have optimized the way the Client List prepares to print so that the user is not waiting for all the client pictures to load.

State dropdown on Insurance pop-up: Some users reported that when adding/editing Insurance from the Client Chart, the Subscriber State dropdown was not displaying any states to choose from. This issue has been resolved.

UR > Programming Details - Counting incomplete sessions as complete: Users reported that sessions that were marked as Incomplete were displaying as Completed on the UR Dashboard. This issue has been resolved.

Uploading to Document Manager: Some users reported an intermittent issue with uploading to the Document Manager. This issue has been resolved.


If you have any questions or would like clarification on the updates above, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. We are always happy to help!

Release Notes and additional resources are available at

Have a great day!