Linking Portal Users to Client Chart
PrintAdd Family Member Video Walkthrough
The Family Portal is a powerful tool to obtain important client documents prior during the application, admissions and discharge process. This article will provide a walkthrough on how to create new Family portal users and link them to their respective clients.
In order to manage the Family Portal, you will need the Family Portal Permission, if you do not have this permission contact your Rehab Admin and they can add it for you.
This walkthrough is showing how to link to a specific Client chart. If there are multiple charts of the client, you can choose which one to link, or you may choose multiple.
Add or Edit Family Member:
- Navigate to Settings > Family Portal
- Select "+ Add Portal User" as shown below.
- Input the User's information and choose the Role for the Family Portal User and Ensure all information is Accurate.
- Participant: Use this role if the Family Portal User is the Client themselves
- Family Member: Use this role if the User is a Family Member of the Client
- Consultant: Use this role if the User is any other person (e.g. Parole Officer)
Link the Family Portal User
Use "Link Clients" to link to Active Client Charts (Already Admitted)
Use "Link Prospects" to link to Prospective Clients (Has not yet been Converted to Client)
Search for Client or Prospect and Select Add Button.
Once all of the above steps are complete, select the "Create" button. This will then send a welcome email to the new portal user where they will need to setup their username and password in order to login to the portal
Note: Ensure after that Create or Update is Selected to save Family Member and Linked Clients or Prospects.