Forms 3.0 Insights Reporting

How to create custom reports from your Forms 3.0 data to gain a deeper understanding of your clients, treatment, and operations.



With custom form reporting in Insights, the reporting capabilities of Alleva are basically endless! Your imagination is truly the limit here.

You can now create reports, graphs, and alerts from any type of custom form data. This includes any specific question you need to ask your clients, particular information that is specific to your way of doing things, custom assessment scores, and anything else you can think of!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Custom form data is found in the Clients Explorer within Insights, under the category "Advanced Form".

  • "Value" is the Insights field that holds the actual value or information entered into the form for a client. This is the most important piece of information and what we're interested in!

  • "Data Field Name" is the name of the question or field.

  • You can get a total count of certain answers to a question by adding "Count" under Lead Info.

  • You can experiment with different visualization options to easily understand the data, including pie graphs, donut multiples (for seeing different locations compared), columns, etc..

  • You can create alerts from Forms 3.0 data. Custom alerts are covered in the Insights training course in Alleva University.

Custom data from Forms 3.0 is accessible to customers with the Prime or Premier packages of Insights, not the basic version. If you are interested in upgrading your Insights package, reach out to our team to get a personalized demo!