Encounter Transmission and Collaborate MD Integration - Services Provided

Overview of our brand new Encounter Transmission billing feature and how to send claims to Collaborate MD through our enhanced integration.


If you already pay for an Alleva x CMD integration, you can request to upgrade your integration to these new capabilities at no additional cost. If you are looking to add a CMD integration, please reach out to our team to discuss the additional cost and set up process.


We are excited to announce our brand new Encounter Transmission feature! This advanced new billing feature allows you to..

  • Capture more billing information with beefed up billing codes
  • Easily visualize services provided
  • Send service information to Collaborate MD through an enhanced integration

In order to set up ETT billing codes for services provided (group sessions, individual sessions, or intake assessments like the biopsychosocial), and complete the workflow of submitting to Collaborate MD, follow these steps:

  1. Add new billing codes for ETT via System Settings > Master Drop-downs > Billing Codes for Encounter Transmission. Enter info like claim type, POS, modifiers, type of facility, care, revenue codes, unit cost, and more.

  2. For individual codes, associate the new codes with individual note types via Master Drop-downs > Individual/Progress Note. Now every time that type of note is completed, a line item will flow into the Encounter Transmission tab with all relevant billing code information.

  3. Once services are provided, go to the Encounter Transmission tab to see all relevant info including client details, session info, billing codes info, and more. You can search for a client and/or filter by date range, level of care, and claim type.

    Here is an example of a professional claim for an individual session:

  4. Fix any missing info, which will be shown with the (!) icon. Hover over this icon to see which client information is missing (insurance, authorization, provider, etc.), and navigate to the client chart to add this information. (Note: The system will allow you to send the claim with missing information if you decide to add it later in the CMD interface.)

  5. Select which claims you would like to send. You have the option to group services for the same client into one claim if desired. Then click "Save and Submit" to send claims to CMD through our unique integration.

If you do not have the CMD integration, you can still request for us to turn on the ETT tab in order to utilize the easy visualization of services provided, without the ability to send this information to CMD.  

Access a free training on this new feature through the Alleva University billing course by clicking here!

Done! Look forward to saving time and energy with our intuitive, powerful encounter transmission feature and CMD integration 🎉🎉