Add User Licenses & Certifications

The Licenses & Certifications tab in the User Management section allows you to add and keep track of any licenses and certifications that a user might have. You can see whether it is Active, Inactive, Expiring, or Expired.

Adding Licenses & Certifications to a User:

This feature needs permission to Add, Edit, View, and/or Delete licenses and certifications. Permissions are found in Settings > Role Management.


1. Navigate to Settings > User Management > Licenses & Certifications Tab > select '+Add License' located at the top right.


2. Input all the required information, then select 'Save' at the bottom right.

Multiple licenses or certifications can be placed in any specific order that you would like.

Also, adding a user's licenses or certifications will append the respective acronyms to the users name and display it all throughout the EMR.


***Note: the License Type dropdown can be populated using Master Dropdowns. This is found in Settings > Master Drop-Downs.***